本主题介绍 EyeofcloudUserContext 对象,该对象允许做出标帜决策并跟踪用户上下文的事件。
EyeofcloudUserContext 在 SDK v3.7 及更高版本上受支持。
方法在 v3.9.0 及更高版本中受支持。
以下代码显示了 EyeofcloudUserContext 的对象定义:
class EyeofcloudUserContext implements \JsonSerializable {
// Create an instance of the Eyeofcloud User Context. Pass in user id and optionally user attributes
public function __construct(Eyeofcloud $eyeofcloudClient, $userId, array $attributes = [], $forcedDecisions = null);
// get user id for the user
public function getUserId();
// set user attributes
public function setAttribute($key, $value);
// get user attributes
public function getAttributes();
// make a decision about which flag variation the user buckets into for the flag key
public function decide($key, array $options = []);
// make decisions about which flag variations the user buckets into for flag keys
public function decideForKeys(array $keys, array $options = []);
// make decisions about which flag variations the user buckets into for all flags
public function decideAll(array $options = []);
// track user event
public function trackEvent($eventKey, array $eventTags = []);
// Sets the forced decision (variationKey) for a given decision context
public function setForcedDecision($context, $decision);
// Returns the forced decision for a given decision context
public function getForcedDecision($context);
// Removes the forced decision for a given decision context
public function removeForcedDecision($context);
// Removes all forced decisions bound to this user context
public function removeAllForcedDecisions();
下表显示了 EyeofcloudUserContext 对象的属性:
属性 | 类型 | 评论 |
用户标识 | 字符串 | 用户的 ID |
(可选)属性 | Map | 自定义键值对的映射,用于指定用于受众群体定位的用户属性。创建用户时,可以使用用户 ID 传递映射。 |
下表显示了 EyeofcloudUserContext 对象的方法:
方法 | 评论 |
设置属性 | 将自定义用户属性作为键值对传递给用户上下文。 |
decide | Returns a decision result for a flag key for a user. The decision result is returned in an EyeofcloudDecision object, and contains all data required to deliver the flag rule. See Decide methods |
Returns a map of flag decisions for specified flag keys.
See Decide methods
Returns decisions for all active (unarchived) flags for a user.
See Decide methods
Tracks a conversion event (in other words, an action a user takes) for a user. Logs an error message if the specified event key doesn't match any existing events.
See Track Event
Forces a user into a specific variation.
See Set Forced Decision
Returns what variation the user was forced into.
See Get Forced Decision
Removes a user from a specific forced variation.
See Remove Forced Decision
Removes a user from all forced variations.
See Remove All Forced Decisions
See Also
Source files
The language/platform source files containing the implementation for PHP is Eyeofcloud.php.