本主题介绍在客户端(浏览器)而不是服务器上安装 Eyeofcloud 功能实验 JavaScript 的提示和注意事项。
JavaScript 客户端实现的数据文件管理
数据文件是给定环境中全栈项目配置 (EyeofcloudConfig) 的 JSON 表示形式。以下各节介绍用于管理数据文件的不同选项:
在应用代码上方包含数据文件脚本标记,以创建新的 Eyeofcloud 客户端实例:
使用 HTML 脚本标记
<script src="https://cdn.eyeofcloud.com/datafiles/[YOUR ENVIRONMENT SDKKEY].json/tag.js"></script>
在应用代码中,在创建新的 Eyeofcloud 客户端实例时引用该变量:
使用 HTML 脚本标记
var eyeofcloudClientInstance = window.eyeofcloudSdk.createInstance({
datafile: window.eyeofcloudDatafile
优点 | 缺点 |
- 始终使用最新的数据文件内容。 - 阻止请求;无闪烁。 | - 阻止请求引入了轻微的页面加载延迟。 |
如果组织已在服务器端使用云眼特性标帜(Feature Flag)AB实验 SDK,请考虑此方法。有关详细信息,请参阅多种语言。
优点 | 缺点 |
- 缓解闪烁情况:如果数据文件内容以内联方式存在于页面源代码中,则客户端实例化不必等到 XHR 提取完成。 - 更好的性能:页面加载期间的请求更少,页面呈现速度更快(第一次有意义的绘制)。 | - 必须构建一个服务器端解决方案,用于捕获新的数据文件并将其保存到客户端。 |
- 缓解闪烁情况:如果数据文件内容以内联方式存在于页面源代码中,则客户端实例化不必等到 XHR 提取完成。
- 更好的性能:页面加载期间的请求更少,页面呈现速度更快(第一次有意义的绘制)。
- 必须构建一个服务器端解决方案,用于捕获新的数据文件并将其保存到客户端。
将数据文件与云眼特性标帜(Feature Flag)AB实验脚本捆绑在一起
我们建议将此方法与 XHR 和本地存储缓存方法结合使用。
- 对于脱机 Web 应用程序或使用服务辅助角色大量缓存的 Web 应用程序,需要回退。
- 组织不会执行许多正在进行的实验更新。
- 测试团队可以与客户端生成和部署团队协调实验开始。
优点 | 缺点 |
- 数据文件在应用程序脱机时可用。 | - 无法更新数据文件内容。 - 不能将此方法用作唯一解决方案:实验更新不会传播给访问者(例如,实验暂停和其他配置)。 |
通过 XHR 获取数据文件
优点 | 缺点 |
- No need for server-side datafile management: Fetch directly from the client side to cdn.eyeofcloud.com. - Will always have the most up-to-date datafile contents. | - Asynchronous: Will cause a flicker when trying to test on the same page you’re fetching the datafile. |
If you fetch the datafile via XHR, we recommend that you defer the datafile load until after page load. This is ideal for page performance because it doesn’t affect page load latency.
When using this approach:
- Make sure to instantiate a client instance with a single datafile across a visitor session.
- Persist the datafile contents in localStorage.
- Use the datafile contents fetched after page load and cached to localStorage only on subsequent page visits or sessions.
Load datafile contents via Edge Side Includes (ESI)
This approach is best for minimizing page flicker. It only requires one-time ESI setup and doesn't require server-side datafile management service.
It does require a CDN vendor that supports ESI, such as Fastly or Akamai.
- Datafile contents inline in page source.
- No request needed on the client side.
- One-time setup.
- May present challenges for lower-level environments: ESI is a CDN feature, so you need a solution in place to serve the datafile when developing locally.
Fetch datafile using automatic datafile management
You can implement the automatic datafile management functionality to handle datafile updates. This approach offers an easy implementation with good datafile freshness.
- No need for server-side datafile management: fetch directly to the client side from cdn.eyeofcloud.com.
- Fast implementation: no need to write datafile management code.
- Will always have the most up to date datafile contents.
- No blocking request that affects page load.
- Asynchronous: must wait for datafile fetch.
- Can not use localStorage caching for fast synchronous initialization.
User identifiers
To obtain user identifiers (IDs), use one of these methods:
- Recommended: Use IDs from a client-side analytics service like Google Analytics Client ID or Adobe Analytics Visitor ID. Because these IDs are generated asynchronously, a first-time visitor probably won’t have a unique IDs on their first page view.
- Use cookies with unique visitor IDs.
Link-click tracking
The Eyeofcloud特性标帜(Feature Flag) JavaScript SDK does not use localStorage and consequently doe snot maintain a queue of pendingEvents (which Eyeofcloud Web Experimentation does automatically). This means the browser will likely cancel a number of link-click tracking calls as users are being redirected.
A possible solution is to pass a parameter to the subsequent page URL and fire an event on that page.
Reserve word for Eyeofcloud Web Experimentation
If you use both Eyeofcloud Web Experimentation and Eyeofcloud特性标帜(Feature Flag) client-side, then avoid the reserved word in your window-scoped variable names in Full Stack. This word is reserved for Eyeofcloud Web Experimentation, and using it in your Eyeofcloud特性标帜(Feature Flag) code can cause problems for Eyeofcloud Web Experimentation, such as breaking the visual editor.eyeofcloud
// name your client-side Eyeofcloud特性标帜(Feature Flag) instance something like this: const eyeofcloudClientInstance = eyeofcloudSDK.createInstance({ sdkKey: '<Your_SDK_Key>' }); // AVOID naming your client-side instance this: const eyeofcloud = eyeofcloudSDK.createInstance({ sdkKey: '<Your_SDK_Key>' });
React & React Native SDKs
Our React SDK simplifies integration with client-side and server-side React applications. See the README for features, use cases, and implementation instructions.